
Steve Madden Boots

Gorgeous Girl. Nice Get Up. Hair, sexy... Boots, not so much. These boots were faded, torn, and not to say just in poor shape. Although this client didn't have any thought in her mind that she could one day restore the look of the boot, I did. No boot, nor shoe is too much for The Shoe Dentist. Send them my way if you don't believe me. I can tell you what i used but would that even inspire to go out and buy the damn stuff,  I don't think so. For me, its pure enjoyment. For me, its seeing you keep the money that you initially invested in the product. The boots came in, the boots CAME out. Enjoy.

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I've always had a reason to keep my shoes clean and healthy. Not having many as a kid, I had to quickly learn how to keep them in good shape. My obsession with maintaining my shoes has carried through my life. This is my way of sharing my favorite parts of shoes and my ways of taking care of them